It’s a problem that we at Collemi Consulting see frequently from a practice management perspective: Many small- and mid-sized public accounting firms simply don’t properly train their professional staff to develop their research skills. This is a big concern. Staffers with heightened research skills are able to work more efficiently without spinning their wheels or wasting valuable time. But unfortunately, many CPA firms are not putting enough emphasis on training employees on how to conduct proper research.
While you can’t expect less-seasoned professionals to know everything, you need to train them in how to quickly get the information they need, from navigating and interpreting the latest standards issued by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), American Institute Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) and other regulatory and professional standard-setting bodies. Even seasoned professionals should have regular primers on research since the world of public accounting is ever evolving.
Here are a few ways CPA firm leaders can help their professional staff hone-in on their research soft skills and make sure nothing slips through the cracks:
Develop an in-house training program. Successful public accounting firms have intensive soft skills training programs in place that cover research skills. If you don’t have the time or resources to put a formal training program in place — or your firm is too small to merit such a program — consider assigning someone in the firm the task of meeting regularly with employees to cover research basics and creating a plan for each individual to get the specific training they need, whether its in-house or through a trusted outside source.
Pair more-seasoned CPAs with an in-house mentor who can meet periodically with them to cover higher-level research skills. Create a list of your firm’s most experienced CPAs and note areas in which they have the most expertise. Provide new staff with a “cheat sheet” listing who they can go to for additional help and guidance on various technical topics.
Outsource training to a trusted partner. There are numerous reputable independent training providers available to help professional staff hone their research skills. For more specific and customized training, consider working with an experienced industry firm to analyze what’s missing in your training program and determine how you can fill the gaps.
Collemi Consulting works with CPA firms and organizations that support the profession to help determine training needs and execute customized programs. Salvatore A. Collemi, CPA, has served as a former regulator, standard-setter, external auditor and technical partner at leading institutions such as the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and AICPA. He has a keen understanding of the mindset of regulators and standard-setters and often works with accounting firms to develop robust training programs.
The bottom line? It’s critical to start thinking about how to train both new and seasoned professional staff on how to hone their research skills. Protect your practice and clients — as well as your firm’s reputation — by investing more in more soft skills training today!
Collemi Consulting leverages nearly three decades of experience to provide trusted technical accounting and auditing expertise when you need it the most. To schedule an appointment to see how we might work together, contact us at (732) 792-6101.
We provide trusted technical accounting and auditing expertise when you need it the most. Serving a full range of constituents in the public accounting profession, we help identify issues before they become problems.