A lawsuit? Unfavorable AICPA Peer Review/PCAOB Inspection Outcome? Complex U.S. and International clients or accounting transactions? In the public accounting arena, problems are inevitable. Often, small to mid-sized CPA firms don’t have the manpower or resources to navigate these hurdles on their own. With extensive experience and a wide network of industry contacts, Collemi Consulting will expertly guide your organization through a variety of challenges, ranging from managing complex risk analysis situations to determining whether to retain key attest clients. Our leading services include:
U.S. & International Accounting & Auditing Consultations
Whether you or your organization encounter a transaction you have never audited/accounted for previously or you’re trying to stay current with evolving accounting, auditing and professional standards, you might not have a particular technical expertise in-house.
Engagement Quality Control Review Services
As required by Professional Standards and regulations, you might not have technical expertise in-house to perform independent technical reviews of financial statements and workpapers of audits, reviews, compilations and other attestation engagements.
AICPA Peer Review & PCAOB Inspection Preparation Services
We have extensive experience in assisting your firm to successfully prepare and navigate the challenges of AICPA Peer Reviews and PCAOB Inspections.
We work closely with your firm’s leaders responsible for quality control and risk management to ensure:
Internal Inspection & Engagement Post Issuance Review Services
During the two interim years before your next peer review, as required by Professional Standards, your firm will need to perform monitoring procedures to ensure your system of quality control properly designed and operating effectively.
Mergers & Acquisitions Preparation Services
If you’re considering or are in the process of acquiring (or selling) an attest practice, we can assist you during the due diligence phase to assess whether quality work being is being performed by the acquiree and meet all of the requirements of AICPA Professional Standards and/or PCAOB Standards.
Standard & Customized CPE Training
We provide both standard and customized continuing professional education (CPE) training programs in various formats (e.g., in-person, conferences, webinars, webcasts, etc.) to meet your firm’s specific technical needs.
Design & Implementation of Systems of Quality Control Policies & Procedures
We have extensive experience in designing customized quality control policies and procedures for public accounting firms of all sizes from sole practitioners to national & international practices to ensure their systems provide reasonable assurance in mitigating risks to an acceptable level.
Keynote Speaker for Company Retreats & Special Events
Our Managing Member & Founder, Salvatore A. Collemi, CPA, is available as a keynote speaker at your next company retreat, State Society of CPAs conferences and similar functions in which he shares his unique perspectives on issues and challenges facing the public accounting profession with respect to audit quality.
U.S. & International Independence & Ethics Consultations
We have extensive experience in providing technical guidance and counsel to public accounting firms regarding the auditor independence and ethics rules from the AICPA, SEC, PCAOB, GAO, DOL and State Boards of Accountancy.
Litigation Support & Expert Witness Services
It can be real a challenge to identify and select accounting & auditing expert witnesses when preparing for a trial and providing expert witness testimony is an important step if you want to win your client’s case
Time & Billing Services
Time and billing is the process of tracking time and using the data to perform billing. Some organizations use multiple systems, administrative staff, and a manual process to track time for payroll, projects, and billing.
Bookkeeping and Financial Statement Preparation Services
We provide outsourced bookkeeping and financial statement preparation services for you and your clients.
Candidacy to Serve on Boards & Audit Committees
Our Managing Member & Founder, Salvatore A. Collemi, has experience in diverse senior leadership roles and will provide value on a wide range of strategic, financial, regulatory compliance and global business considerations for financial officer positions, board positions and as a member of committees such as audit, corporate governance and risk management.
Before disaster strikes. That’s the optimal time to partner with Collemi Consulting. We’re your “go-to” source in emergency situations, whether it be a lawsuit, an ethical dilemma, or an unfavorable AICPA Peer Review or PCAOB Inspection. However, we strongly recommend you call us before any of these things happen. Once you secure our services, we can help you strengthen your quality control systems and identify deficiencies so that you’re operating more efficiently and effectively. The bottom line: We’ll put you in the absolute best position to grow your business with less exposure to risk!
A rapid-fire pace. That’s how quickly things move in the public accounting profession. The issues that are challenging today are replaced with new hurdles tomorrow. Many firms are unable to maintain a professional staff of in-house, seasoned technical experts at the ready to handle every potential roadblock that pops up. That’s where Collemi Consulting comes in. We work with our clients to provide a customized package of technical expert solutions—without the costly overhead of additional full-time staff.
We provide trusted technical accounting and auditing expertise when you need it the most. Serving a full range of constituents in the public accounting profession, we help identify issues before they become problems.